All School Bus Service suspended for Pathfinder K8 School as of this Monday, October 18th, 2021.

Below is the message from our Principal Dr. Holmes that went out to families on Friday. Our understanding is that the final decision to cut transportation was made on Thursday afternoon with the upcoming reduction in bus drivers due to the state mandatory vaccination requirement for employees. Your Administration and PTSA are working in tandem to support our families by working together to come up new ways to get our children to school using a combination of carpooling by neighborhood, using neighborhood walking trains with parent volunteers and perhaps drop off points nearby with parent volunteers to walk students to and from school.

This is an opportunity for us to connect with other Pathfinder families in our neighborhoods, share the load and support each other to help all of our children arrive at school safely and on time and get home afterwards. Please email with ideas, to provide your name and transportation needs or volunteer to help out.

We can do this!

Karen Stone, Vp-Communications, Pathfinder K8 PTSA
Parent to Calder (7th) and Graham Stone (4th)

Hello Pathfinder,

This afternoon we have learned our general education buses will be canceled until further notice. This will take place on Monday, October 18th.

First, we must apologize and acknowledge how challenging buses have been in general and how disruptive this monumental change is now. I am also wondering why. Why are we losing our general education buses? Pathfinder is an Equity Tier 4 school. SPS has committed to equity and eliminating the educational debt for historically underserved student groups – primarily Tier 1 and 2 schools.

Quickly after I feel hopeful. I am hopeful because our community has come together before – to devise a highly effective lunch plan – and I am confident we can do so again!

Vincent (father of a Kestrel) organized sign ups for routes! Lets share the load to make sure all Pathfinder students are able to get to school! Please note, at the school level we are unable to manage this spreadsheet.

If your child is in Middle School they have received a temporary bus pass. We will be delivering Orca cards to all eligible Middle Schoolers next week.

On the school side, we will continue pushing to secure reliable transportation. We will continue to be in communication when this happens and offer updates when we are able!

Dr. Britany Holmes, Pathfinder K-8 Principal

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